With a good project, passport, calculations and submission
up to 100% subsidy can be achieved.
And we’ll tell you how to do it.
Let’s take a look at it together.
The LED SPORT luminaire is designed to evenly illuminate where its needed without unnecessary glare..
Its desing can even withstand impact from a ball, making it safe.
We will be happy to design the lighting for your sports facility as well.
Do you know why LED grow lights are becoming the world’s bestseller?
• accelerate growth by up to 63%.
• improove taste and encrease productivity
• Their payback is usually within 5 years.
Světla jsou náš život. Jsme si 100% jisti, že najdeme nejlepší řešení i pro Váš projekt. Ať už se jedná o obrovskou fabriku s bambilionem svítidel, nebo klidně plácek před firmou. Každý projekt si zaslouží naše LED svítidla.
Unfortunately, there is no universal answer. The important factors are determined by the standard (light intensity, glare, etc.). Others are determined, for example, by the height at which the luminaires will be suspended. In general, it is better to use luminaires with optics from a height of 6m. And the colour of the light? That is another question.
In general, 3000K (warm white) is more for residential use. It has a minimal blue component and therefore has the least effect on brain activity of the light colours listed. 4000K (neutral, daylight white) is usually chosen for places where people move around. It is not as aggressive as 6500K and does not fatigue the eyes. It’s been tested over the years. 6500K (cool white) with a tinge of blue is already obvious from the name that the blue content will be the highest. However, it should not be used for outdoor lighting. Ideally for a paint shop for paint inspection. But even this can be solved today with a more “acceptable” light colour with a higher Ra.
Unless you are replacing with grant money, or you need documentation for approval, then no. However, if you need to meet hygiene standards, to know how much and what kind of light you need, then yes. If you choose our luminaires, we will prepare the project for you free of cha
The number and location of emergency (battery) luminaires is usually defined in the OHS report. If there is no such report, we will suggest a logical placement in case of power failure and the need to move people. Furthermore, we can also connect to your backup circuit.
Are they really equivalent, or do they just look like it? Do they have a 5 year warranty? Did they design a project that they will give you a hand up for? Do they have a history and will they be here in 10 years? If you have reasonable and honest answers to these questions, then take them from a competitor. Otherwise, it would be a foolish decision. They’re just cheaper.
UGR – Uniform Glare Rating System for indoor glare, it is an index that is set from 0 to 30, in the range of 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28. The average value is 19.
This is stated and discussed in more detail in EN 12464-1, ch. 4.5, where a rather complicated calculation formula is also given. In chap. 5, in the tables, the permissible UGR values in indoor spaces (rooms) are given.
Source: http://www.hygpraha.cz
We collaborate with the Good Angel Foundation. And we are rightfully proud of it.
We don’t just bring light to halls, warehouses, garages, manufacturing.
We help bring light where our LED technology is not enough.
Ave Monq